
On 24th August 2022 project partners will held a final meeting within the ARC project. The goal of this meeting is to take stock of the achieved results, and actions that need to be taken, and also to disseminate the project results and to exchange our insights and experiences with stakeholders. The meeting is open to the public, and everyone is invited to join us:,%22Oid%22:%221d3a1eb4-8bf5-46ca-a3a9-8e42c4953bbc%22%7d


24th August 2022
VUB, Plienlaan 2, Ixelles, Brussels 1050

10:00 – 10:30 Opening remarks

prof. Dr. Paul de Hert, Vrije Universiteit Brussels – Tilburg University

Mr Bruno Gencarelli, Deputy to the Director for Fundamentals Rights and the Rule of Law, Head of the International Data Flows and Protection, European Commission (Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers)

Ms MB Donnelly,  Assistant Commissioner, Data Protection Commission Ireland

Mr Igor Vulje, Deputy Director, Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency

Mr Zdravko Vukić, Director, Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency

10:30 -11:15  GDPR Compliance for SMEs: experiences of stakeholders

Ms Marija Bošković Batarelo, lawyer, Parser compliance

Mr Dražen Lučić, Head of Department for Information Security, Croatian Chamber of Economy

Mr Karlo Paljug, Senior Data Protection Specialist

Ms Natalija Parlov Una, Ph.D., certification auditor of information security and privacy, TÜV NORD

Ms Iva Nappholz, legal adviser, Croatian Employers’ Association

Mr Igor Barlek, GDPR Croatia

Mr William Bello, IAPP KnowledgeNet chapter Hrvatska

11: 15 – 11:30 Presentation of the EU- funded project “byDesign”

Ms Georgia Panagopoulou, MSc (ICT auditor), Hellenic Data Protection Authority

Dr Konstantinos Limniotis (ICT auditor), Hellenic Data Protection Authority

11: 30 – 12:00  Overview of project activities and achieved results

Ms Anamarija Mladinić, ARC Project Manager, Head of Department for legal affairs, cooperation and projects, Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency

12:00 – 12:30  Results of the survey conducted with Croatian and Irish SMEs on GDPR compliance and awareness on personal data protection

Mr Ashwinee Kumar, Vrije University Brussel

12:30 – 12:45 Cofee break and networking

12:45 – 13:15 GDPR workshops, trainings and campaign on social media: concept, topics, FAQs and compliance experiences of Irish SMEs

Ms MB Donnelly,  Assistant Commissioner, Data Protection Commission Ireland

13:15 – 13:45 GDPR workshops and trainings: concept, topics, FAQs and compliance experiences of Croatian SMEs

Ms Iva Katić, GDPR trainer, senior adviser specialist, Department for legal affairs, cooperation and projects , Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency

13:45-14:45 Networking lunch

(closed session, only for the project partners)

14:45 – 15:30 Round table discussion on project documentation: records of payments and time sheets, attendance sheets, evaluation forms, remaining deliverables, deviations from project proposal (activities and financial matters)

15:30 – 16:00 Next steps and future plans