

Coordinator:  Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency (Agencija za zaštitu osobnih podataka-AZOP)

Beneficiary: Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Garante Privacy)

The Italian Data Protection Authority (IT: Garante per la protezione dei dati personali) is an independent supervisory authority responsible for monitoring application of the GDPR (pursuant to Article 51 of Regulation No. 2016/679) in Italy. The Authority was set up to protect fundamental rights and freedoms in connection with the processing of personal data, and to ensure respect for individuals’ dignity in Italy. Over the years the Garante has been involved in several TAIEX projects in Albania, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia and is currently implementing Twinning project in Albania. In 2019 it successfully concluded “T4DATA“, a transnational project aimed to provide support for training of Data Protection Supervisory Authorities (DPAs) and the Data Protection Officers (DPOs) of public bodies on GDPR. In November 2020 has successfully concluded “SMEDATA”, aimed to ensure the effective application of the GDPR through awareness, multiplying training and sustainable capacity building for SMEs and legal professionals.

Beneficiary: Faculty of Organization and Informatics- FOI is a constituent of the University of Zagreb with 3,000 students and 140 employees. FOI is considered the leading higher education institution in Croatia providing education in Information technology and Information sciences on the one hand and Economics and Entrepreneurship on the other. FOI has rich experience in participating and/or leading EU and nationally funded research projects and programmes, as well as academia-industry cooperation projects. FOI has participated in H2020, FP6/FP7, ESF, ERDF, EUREKA, IPA, LLP, Erasmus+, Interreg and TEMPUS projects. FOI experts hold rich project and research experience within the following areas: application of information communication sciences, management of information systems, re-engineering of business processes, e-government, decision-making support systems, e-learning, e-schools, strategic planning, standardization, methodology and repositories, electronic and mobile business, Entrepreneurship and crafts etc.

Beneficiary: University of Florence - Department of Legal Sciences - Research Group SECORETECH. The Department of Legal Sciences at the University of Florence has been awarded by the Ministry of University 2018-2023 Department of ‘Excellence’ to implement a Law and Technology and Legal education project. The Department boasts a long experience in European and National projects and a well-established reputation in research concerning privacy, data protection and the regulation of new technologies. The research group SECORETECH, created in 2019, is conducting projects related to law, data protection and technology.

Beneficiary: VUB – Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Research Group on Law, Science, Technology and Society (VUB-LSTS)



Coordinator: AZOP – The Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency (HR: Agencija za zaštitu osobnih podataka , AZOP) is an independent public supervisory authority in charge of implementing and enacting data protection regulations in Croatia. Since its establishment in 2004, the Agency has been making major efforts to raise awareness of the protection of personal data and to promote the right to privacy among all entities who collect, process and transfer personal data as well as the general public. The Agency takes part in international conferences and expert subgroups of the European Data Protection Board. Thanks to that the Agency contributes to creating better solutions and harmonizes the Croatian legislation in the field of personal data protection with the highest standards to meet obligations arising from the international conventions signed and ratified by the Republic of Croatia.

Beneficiary:  DPC - The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) is the national independent authority in Ireland responsible for upholding the fundamental right of individuals in the European Union (EU) to have their personal data protected. Accordingly, the DPC is the Irish supervisory authority responsible for monitoring the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and we also have functions and powers related to other regulatory frameworks, including the Irish ePrivacy Regulations (2011) and the EU Directive known as the Law Enforcement Directive (LED). The statutory powers, duties and functions of the DPC are as established under the Data Protection Act 2018, which gives further effect to the GDPR, and also gives effect to the LED .

Our Mission

Safeguarding data protection rights by driving compliance through guidance, supervision and enforcement.

Beneficiary: VUB – Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Research Group on Law, Science, Technology and Society (VUB-LSTS), since its inception in 2003 is devoted to interdisciplinary, analytical, theoretical and prospective research into the relationships between law, science, technology and society (; VUB-LSTS has a well-established reputation in research concerning privacy and data protection. The team, comprising 47 researchers, has been involved in international research projects and publishes widely. VUB-LSTS is the main organiser of the annual Computers, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP) Conference ( and hosts two research facilities: Brussels Privacy Hub ( and the Brussels Laboratory for Data Protection & Privacy Impact Assessments (d.pia.lab) ( VUB-LSTS closely cooperates with Privacy Salon (

The members complement each other. AZOP and DPC  are DPAs, which is why they have knowledge in the field of law and educational projects, including raising awareness of citizens in the area of personal data protection. Despite the fact that GDPR concerns both Croatian and Irish SMEs, it is certainly the case that SMEs in these two countries have different experiences. Due to the opportunity to exchange experiences and best practices and cooperate with DPAs from two countries, the project will have European added value.