Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency, in cooperation with the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts organized a workshop titled “How to comply with the GDPR” that was held on December 9, 2021 in the premises of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce.

During the workshop, experts from the Croatian data protection authority pointed out to craftsmen their obligations and key steps that need to be taken in order to harmonize their business with the personal data protection legal framework. The goal of the workshop was to familiarize craftsmen about their obligations they need to meet.

“GDPR is not a burden or an obstacle, but an opportunity for craftsmen to improve their business and gain an advantage in the market over competitors who do not respect fundamental human right – the right to personal data protection. It is very important that everyone who processes personal data is well informed about their obligations, comply with the data protection law and thus avoid situations in which they may find themselves where they violate the GDPR provisions, “said Director Zdravko Vukić in his welcome speech and wished the craftsmen success in their work.

In the first part of the workshop, participants were introduced to key concepts of the General Data Protection Regulation, such as who is the controller and processor, what are the legal basis for processing personal data, what are the principles of lawful processing and privacy policy.

Understanding the basic concepts of the Regulation is essential for craftsmen as processors to process personal data lawfully.

Technical and organizational measures for personal data protection, why the personal data protection officer is important, but also what needs to be done in case of personal data breach, are just some of the topics covered during the second part of the workshop. In addition, the Agency’s experts spoke about current topics that cause a lot of misunderstandings- the processing of personal data during the COVID-19 pandemic.